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Understanding GPS Filtering

· 3 min read
Yulia Musaeva
Product Manager at Guru Maps

While recording a track, the app continuously retrieves data from your device's GPS module, updating the current position on the map in real-time, typically capturing values every second, producing highly detailed tracks of your activities. The problem is that sometimes (specially when accuracy is low) the values vary a lot, making the current position to "jump" between distant points in the map.

Latest models of mobile phones are highly accurate and can locate your device with a precision of up to 3 meters, but environmental factors and device settings can impact its accuracy significantly.

With the GPS filtering feature Guru Maps users can rely on more accurate and reliable recorded GPS tracks for activities like hiking, cycling, or off-road adventures where precision matters.

GPS filters in Guru Maps application

What is GPS Filtering?

GPS filtering in Guru Maps is a settings that improve the distance and speed accuracy captured during an activity by eliminating inaccuracies of location data. These filters ensure that the tracks you record are more faithful representations of your actual journey.

Accuracy Filter

The accuracy filter enables you to establish a minimum accuracy level for the GPS points received. This filter works by excluding points with accuracy measurements beyond the specified threshold from appearing on the displayed track. Its purpose is to showcase only the most dependable and precise points on the track.

For instance, imagine you're walking around your neighborhood, and as you enter a supermarket, tall structures like walls and roofs obstruct the GPS satellite signal. Consequently, your device struggles to pinpoint your precise location. In such cases, activating the accuracy filter comes in handy. It helps hide GPS points that deviate too far from your actual location. If any received signals fall below the required accuracy, these points won't show up in the track display.

Distance Filter

The distance filter allows you to set a minimum separation between consecutive points within a recorded track. Any points that are closer together than the specified distance will be filtered out and won't be visible on the track display. This filter is handy for decluttering and presenting a cleaner representation of your track.

For example, imagine you're jogging and pause to chat with a friend. Since the GPS updates location coordinates every second, numerous points are recorded at the same spot during your conversation, resulting in an excess of track lines. Enabling the distance filter hides GPS points that are too close together, eliminating unnecessary lines from the track display.

For detailed guidance on filtering GPS coordinates for tracks in Guru Maps, refer to the user manual available here: Filter GPS Data.