Share Your Activity as a Picture
Now, you can easily create a picture with your GPS track and activity stats recorded in the app, ready to share with your friends and family:

Now, you can easily create a picture with your GPS track and activity stats recorded in the app, ready to share with your friends and family:
Sometimes when you're recording a GPS track on Guru Maps, you accidentally left the track recording running or started it too early. Now you can easily trim the track from its beginning or its end using the Trim Track feature.
While recording a track, the app continuously retrieves data from your device's GPS module, updating the current position on the map in real-time, typically capturing values every second, producing highly detailed tracks of your activities. The problem is that sometimes (specially when accuracy is low) the values vary a lot, making the current position to "jump" between distant points in the map.
Latest models of mobile phones are highly accurate and can locate your device with a precision of up to 3 meters, but environmental factors and device settings can impact its accuracy significantly.
With the GPS filtering feature Guru Maps users can rely on more accurate and reliable recorded GPS tracks for activities like hiking, cycling, or off-road adventures where precision matters.
Our team has been hard at work for the last few months, and we are delighted to introduce the all-new GPS track analysis and visualization features in Guru Maps, available with v5.4.0
Whether you are hiking, biking, running, or simply strolling through the great outdoors, these new features empower you to analyze and visualize your activities in Guru Maps like never before.