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3 posts tagged with "map"

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· 2 min read
Yulia Musaeva

We're thrilled to announce the new real-time weather map layer that shows the Precipitation Intensity within the Guru Maps app. Whether you're hiking through the mountains, cycling across town, or motorcycling down scenic routes, staying informed about precipitation intensity can significantly impact your safety, visibility, and overall experience.

Why Precipitation Intensity Matters

Weather conditions are a critical factor to consider when planning any outdoor route. Understanding the instantaneous precipitation rate at ground level can help you make informed decisions about whether to start your journey or when to take breaks.

Precipitation Intensity Map Overlay

· One min read
Yulia Musaeva

Starting now importing .mbtiles and .sqlitedb files into Guru Maps is absolutely free for everyone. These formats, which GIS professionals use to create their raster maps, are now available to everyone – from geospatial professionals to rescue and firefighting teams.

· 4 min read
Yulia Musaeva

Going for a hike is an excellent way to stay fit, relieve stress, and spend more time in nature. No matter what type of trail you find yourself on, hiking requires caution and reliable map to find your trailhead and stay on course. The offline topographic map becomes crucial for navigation in the absence of cellular coverage, and the Guru Maps app can assist with this.

Topographic maps in Guru Maps app